
我在2月份的时候写过一篇名叫 《避免谷歌广告影响页面加载速度》 的文章,其中参考了Aaron Peters提供的广告加载的方法,之所以谷歌广告会卡住页面或者影响页面速度主要是因为谷歌广告是阻塞式加载,当时提出的避免办法是将广告放在页底,这样让内容先呈现出来,最后再加载广告。Aaron Peters的想法是好的,只不过这种方法在非IE内核浏览器中存在一些问题,最后Aaron Peters不得不提示不要使用这个技巧:

Important: Will Alexander posted a comment about the failure of this trick: it may (and often will) result in double impressions for ads served to visitors with Gecko (Firefox) and WebKit (Chrome) browsers. Do Not Use This Trick!!!



于是在Aaron Peters的博客上看到那篇文章又有了更新,说明谷歌广告已经支持非阻塞(Non-blocking)方式加载广告了:

Adsense releases non-blocking Adsense!
Yes, it happened, finally: Google has released a new version of the Adsense show_ads.js file that loads in a non-blocking way. Per today, March 18 2011, Google serves it to Chrome, Firefox and IE8 browsers and support for more browsers is coming. As a bonus: publishers do not have to change their code! Read the Google Code blog post about the new Adsense code (注:由于特殊原因,这里的链接我就不放了,大家可以到 作者那篇文章 上去找下。)


看来谷歌的技术还是比较强大的,我们现在可以不用任何技巧的放心大胆的放谷歌广告(Google Adsense)了!